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(huàshétiānzú)−Drawinga snake and adding feet.
(bēigōngshéyǐng)−Seeinga bow reflected in a cup as a snake. 叶公好龙 (yègōnghàolóng)−DukeYe likes dragons. 亡羊补牢 (wángyángbǔláo)−Mendingthe sheepfold after the sheep are lost. 虎头蛇尾 (hǔtóushéwěi)−Startingout strong but ending weakly. 狐假虎威 (hújiǎhǔwēi)−Afox borrowing the might of a tiger. 狗拿耗子多管闲事 (gǒunáhàozǐduōguǎnxiánshì)−Adog catching a mouse interferes in many matters. 老骥伏枥 (lǎojìfúlì)−Anold horse in the stable. 鸡毛蒜皮 (jīmáosuànpí)−Chickenfeathers and garlic skins. 拔苗助长 (bámiáozhùzhǎng)−Pullingup seedlings to help them grow. 虎头蛇脑 (hǔtóushénǎo)−Atiger’s head and a snake’s brain. 狗仗人势 (gǒuzhàngrénshì)−Adog relying on the power of its owner. 杞人忧天 (qǐrényōutiān)−Theman from Qi worries about the sky falling. 鸡飞蛋打 (jīfēidàndǎ)−Thechicken flies away, leaving the eggs to be broken. 塞翁失马 (sàiwēngshīmǎ)−Theold man loses his horse. 井底之蛙 (jǐngdǐzhīwā)−Afrog in the well. 鹿死谁手 (lùsǐshuíshǒu)−Whogains from the death of the deer? 猴子捞月 (hóuzǐlāoyuè)−Amonkey fishing for the moon. 牛头不对马嘴 (niútóubùduìmǎzuǐ)−Acow’s head doesn’t match a horse’s mouth. 狼狈为奸 (lángbèiwéijiān)−Wolvesin sheep’s clothing colluding. 鱼目混珠 (yúmùhúnzhū)−Mixingfish eyes with pearls. 落井下石 (luòjǐngxiàshí)−Throwingstones into a well. 龙马精神 (lóngmǎjīngshén)−Fullof vitality like a dragon and horse. 虎口拔牙 (hǔkǒubáyá)−Pullingout a tooth from a tiger’s mouth. 飞蛾投火 (fēiétóuhuǒ)−Mothsflying into flames. 画龙点睛 (huàlóngdiǎnjīng)−Addingthe finishing touch like painting the eyes on a dragon. 江郎才尽 (jiānglángcáijìn)−JiangLang’s talents are exhausted. 拖泥带水 (tuōnídàishuǐ)−Draggingmud and carrying water. 老马识途 (lǎomǎshítú)−Anold horse knows the way. 一石二鸟 (yīshíèrniǎo)−Killingtwo birds with one stone.
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