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1、 出一把力。Give a hand.

2、 青年时代是人生的播种期。Youth is life's seed-time.


3、 上梁不正下梁歪。The top beam is not straight and the bottom beam is crooked.

4、 贫穷不是罪恶。Poverty is no sin.

5、 好马常要好靴刺。A good horse often needs a good spur.

6、 人心不同,犹如其面。Men are not what they seem.

7、 金钱能买到某物,但不是万能的。Money can buy something, but not everything.

8、 阿谀奉承话,人们皆爱听。Men love to hear well of themselves.

9、 没有朋友者,等于是死人。He who has no friend is dead.

10、 奉承惹人喜,直言招人仇。Flattery begets joy, but truth begets enmity.

11、 想一次做完什么事,结果一件也做不完。Trying to do everything at once ends up doing nothing at all.

12、 判断人的好坏不能凭一次行为。A man is not good or bad for one action.

13、 目不瞬,心不乱。The eye is not instantaneous, the heart is not confused.

14、 虚度青春,悔恨无已。He that wastes his youth shall regret it.

15、 大智若愚,大巧若拙。Still waters run deep.

16、 早熟早烂。Early ripe, early rotten.

17、 身教胜于言教。Example is better than precept.

18、 要谨防不重自己名誉的人。Beware of him who regards not his reputation.

19、 一天一苹果,不用请医生。An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

20、 舍本逐末。Cut the chase.

21、 这到总比不到强。Better late than never.

22、 因噎废食。Give up eating for fear of choking.

23、 患难朋友才是真朋友。A friend in need is a friend indeed.

24、 无论我做什么事,我都尽力而为之。Whatever I do, I will do in my power.

25、 三思而行,再思可也。Think twice before you act.

26、 英雄犯大错误。Heroes make great mistakes.

27、 生活得好的等于生活了两次。He lives twice who lives well.

28、 祸从口出。Out of the mouth comes evil.

29、 忧虑伤神。Care killed a cat.


30、 心之所见远胜于目。The heart sees more than the head.

31、 一个人不论年龄多大,都要学习不懂的东西,这不是羞耻。It is no shame for a man to learn what he does not know, whatever his age.

32、 相马不可凭马的装饰。A horse is neither better nor worse for his trappings.

33、 爱人和得到人爱是人生最大的幸福。To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.

34、 尽职的路是安全的路。The path of duty is the path of safety.

35、 戴手套的猫捉不到老鼠。A gloved cat catches no mice.

36、 来道是非者,便是是非人。Who chatters to others will chatter of others.

37、 事业在先,享乐在后。Business before pleasure.

38、 聪明人不用细说。A wise man need not elaborate.

39、 蛋未孵先数雏。Count your chickens before they are hatched.

40、 只工作,不玩耍,聪明小伙也变傻。All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.

41、 清水未打来,赃水莫倒掉。Cast not out the foul water till you have fresh water.

42、 远水救不了近火。Far water does not put out near fire.

43、 克制乃是最好的治疗。Temperance is the best physic.

44、 答得迅速,懂得不多。He who answers quickly knows little.

45、 物不伤其类。Things do not hurt their kind.

46、 捆得好,逃不了。Well tied, no escape.

47、 待人宽,对己严。Forgive others but not yourself.

48、 怕吃苦头的反因怕而吃苦头。He who fears suffering suffers from fear.

49、 朋比为奸。Make friends.

50、 怒火常寓于蠢人的胸中。Anger rests in the bosom of folly.

51、 傻子总爱装聪明。Every fool pretends to be wise.

52、 魔鬼替其狡辩,也会引经据点。The devil can cite the scriptures for his purpose.

53、 收获与风险并存。He who risks nothing gains nothing.

54、 开头不好,结尾必糟。A bad beginning makes a bad ending.

55、 有求才有应。What goes around comes around.

56、 居安思危,此乃万全之策。In times of peace, it is the safest course.

57、 酒好客自来。Good wine needs no bush.

58、 天不会因瞎子看不见而减其蓝色。The sky is not less blue because the blind man cannot see it.

59、 聪明人的嘴在心里,蠢人的心在嘴上。The heart of a fool is in his mouth.

60、 老马能识途。An old horse knows the way.

61、 不要丢三落四。Don't be forgetful.

62、 人急造反,狗急跳墙。A cat may jump at a straw.

63、 偷大偷小都是贼。A thief is as good as a thief.

64、 手头有黄金,惶恐很担心;两手都空空,处在危急中。When we have gold we are in fear; Empty hands are in danger.

65、 夺了我的名誉等于夺了我的生命。Take away my good name and take away my life.

66、 天无绝人之路。God never shuts one door but he opens another.

67、 从过错和失败中,我们取得了一些有益的教训。过去的错误是未来的智慧和成功。We have learned some useful lessons from our mistakes and failures. The mistakes of the past are the wisdom and success of the future.

68、 罗马不是一日建成的。Rome was not built in a day.

69、 爱和穷难隐瞒。Love and poverty are hard to hide.

70、 雨雪不调,五谷价高。If the rain and snow do not adjust, grain prices are high.

71、 铁热时,你能做的不止是锤打,而锤打可使铁热。When iron is hot, you can do more than just hammering, but hammering can make iron hot.

72、 为人一生一件蠢事也不做,但要听到上百遍蠢事。One cannot do a foolish thing once in one's life, but one must hear of it a hundred times.

73、 暴力绝不能摧毁正义。Violence can never destroy justice.

74、 远水难救近火。Far water does not put out near fire.

75、 只工作而无娱乐会使人愚钝。All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.

76、 宁可没有金钱,不可没有朋友。Better without money than without friends.

77、 与恶人交往,须特别提防。Beware of evil companions.

78、 想得好,聪明;筹画得好,更聪明;做得好,最聪明最好。Well thought, clever; Better counsel, more wit; Well done, wisest and best.

79、 吃得苦中苦,方知甜中甜。No sweet without sweat.

80、 赠予者的心意可使馈赠的东西增加价值而显得珍贵。The heart of the giver makes the gift dear and precious.

81、 听其自然。Let it be.

82、 世界属于精力旺盛的人。The world belongs to the energetic.

83、 家家难免有败类。Every family has its black sheep.

84、 欲知金钱价,不妨把钱借;借钱味难尝,使人心悲伤。If you would know the price of money, borrow some. Borrowing money is hard to taste and makes the heart ache.

85、 真正的友谊象是生长缓慢的植物。True friendship is a plant of slow growth.

86、 不要谋之过早。Don't jump the gun.

87、 腰包钱财足,心境自然宽。The mind is always broad enough for the purse.

88、 猫也有权晋见国王。A cat may look at a king.

89、 我们最大幸福并不是杀害别人,而是为别人而牺牲自己。Our greatest happiness is not in killing others, but in sacrificing ourselves for others.

90、 有的耕,有的播,谁来收获很难说。Who will reap the harvest is hard to say.

91、 自吹自擂的人是最大的谎言者。The greatest liars talk most of themselves.

92、 一着不慎,满盘皆输。Suffer a total failure due to the mishandling of a single problem./One careless move leads to the loss of the whole game.

93、 事竟成,才声张。What is done is done.

94、 什么都不做要比做一点更不好受。It is worse to do nothing than nothing.

95、 自助者天助之。God helps those who help themselves.

96、 猫有九条命。A cat has nine lives.

97、 贪多咽不下。Too much to swallow.

98、 骄傲是人类的弱点。Pride is human weakness.

99、 如果你是胆小鬼,你就是自己最大的敌人;如果你是勇敢者,你就是自己最好的朋友。If you are a coward, you are your own worst enemy. If you are brave, you are your best friend.

100、 拖延即浪费时间。Procrastination is the thief of time.






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