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1、 无所求,则无所获。Nothing seek, nothing find.
2、 人民之声力大无比。The voice of the people is powerful.
3、 学得越多,就越发觉自己无知。The more you learn, the more you realize your ignorance.
4、 有时间要加以利用,因为时间是要消逝的。Take time while time is, for time will be away.
5、 狗肚子盛不得四两油。A dog cannot have too much oil in its belly.
6、 要想多做事情,最简单的办法是一次只做一件事。The easiest way to do more than one thing at a time.
7、 篱笆有眼,隔墙有耳。Hedges have eyes, and walls have ears.
8、 医生年老的好,律师年轻的俏。An old physician, and a young lawyer.
9、 报纸是世界之镜。The newspaper is the mirror of the world.
10、 金钱是无底的海洋,荣誉、良心和真理都可以淹没在其中。Money is a bottomless sea in which honour, conscience, and truth may be drowned.
11、 希望会产生,永远无穷尽。Hope springs eternal.
12、 人各有所好。Every man has his hobbyhorse.
13、 不要见利就拼命追。Don't chase after profit.
14、 举棋不定,坐失良机。He who hesitates is lost.
15、 没有尊重的爱难以久存。Love without respect cannot go far.
16、 不要班门弄斧。Don't teach fish to swim.
17、 多嘴的人说谎也多。He that talks much lies much.
18、 聪明脑袋勤劳手,走遍天下贵如金。A good head and an industrious hand are worth gold in any land.
19、 精通一事胜于会十事。Better master one than engage with ten.
20、 有仁心者不说谎话。A good heart cannot lie.
21、 爱情作酬报,劳苦必轻松。Labour is light where love doth reward.
22、 理智指导聪明人,而且打击愚蠢汉。Reason guides the wise and beats the foolish.
23、 世界上没有什么事情,较之虚度年华,一事无成,更使人痛心。Nothing in the world is more distressing than wasting one's time and achieving nothing.
24、 一个没钱的人很快穿过市场。A man without money goes quickly through the market.
25、 真理和玫瑰,身上都刺。Truth and roses have thorns about them.
26、 忍耐是最好的药物。Patience is the best physic.
27、 君须自敬,人乃敬之。Respect yourself, respect others.
28、 无债一身轻。Out of debt, out of danger.
29、 对法律不知不能免罪。Ignorance of the law excuses no man.
30、 只工作,不玩耍,聪明孩子要变傻;尽玩耍,不学习,聪明孩子没出息。All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All play and no work makes jack a dull boy.
31、 不要揽事过多。Don't have too many irons in the fire.
32、 信任任何人和不信任任何人,同样是缺点。It is an equal failing to trust anybody, and to trust nobody.
33、 有备无患。A ready mind is a safe house.
34、 坐井观天。A narrow view of the world.
35、 宁可穿破衣,不可蒙羞耻。It is better to be clothed in rags than to be ashamed.
36、 债台高筑,愁上心头。Debt is a heavy burden to bear.
37、 自我节制是最大的美德。Temperance is the greatest of virtues.
38、 雨过天晴。After rain comes sunshine.
39、 (SriHaroldKlemp)……在爱的气氛中最易康复。(SriHaroldKlemp)... Healing is easiest in an atmosphere of love.
40、 众口难调。It is difficult to please all.
41、 人难一世称雄,但可一生为人。A man cannot always be a hero, but he can always be a man.
42、 人不可貌相。Judge not from appearances.
43、 音乐可洗去灵魂中日常生活所沾染的污垢。Music washes away from the soul the dirt of everyday life.
44、 勿谋之过早(意指:不要过于乐观)。Don't jump the gun.
45、 真正的笑话不是笑话。A true jest is no jest.
46、 玩忽事业等于丢失事业。Business neglected is business lost.
47、 活在后人心,虽死而犹生。To live in the hearts of the dead is to live.
48、 事未齐备,切莫妄动。Do not act rashly until everything is ready.
49、 别人为食而生活,我为生活而食。Other men live to eat, while I eat to live.
50、 只有知识而无实践,只能造就半瓢水的艺术家。"Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist.
51、 怕吃败仗的就要打败仗。He who fears defeat is sure of defeat.
52、 若要得经验,必须化代价。Experience must be bought.
53、 万事不能一蹴而就。An oak is not felled at one stroke.
54、 星星之火,可以燎原。A single spark can start a prairie fire.
55、 要记住,每天是一年中最好的一天。"Remember, every day is the best day of the year.
56、 我们最不喜欢听到的真实,总是我们知道了会大有好处的真实。The truths we least like to hear are always the truths which it is to our advantage to know.
57、 有失才有得。You get what you lose.
58、 作最好的希望,作最坏的打算。Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
59、 能享受自己财产的人是财产的真正主人。He is the true master of his fortune that enjoys it.
60、 多谋寡成。Many heads make light work.
61、 虚有其表。A facade.
62、 老鹰胜鸽,不足为荣。It is no honor for an eagle to beat a dove.
63、 不失时机。Lose no time.
64、 纵然知其难免一死,人却难料何时身亡。It is impossible to know when a man will die, even though he knows he must die.
65、 最大的恨产生于最大的爱。The greatest hate springs from the greatest love.
66、 日有眼,夜有耳。The day has eyes, the night has ears.
67、 欢乐不觉时光过。Happiness takes no account of time.
68、 玫瑰花没有不长刺的。There is no rose without a thorn.
69、 没有脱离危险不要先欢呼。Don't cheer till you are out of danger.
70、 爱情与仇恨同样是盲目的。Hatred is blind as well as love.
71、 事业既考验人,也造就人。Business makes a man as well as tries him.
72、 勇敢的人都是信守诺言的人。Every brave man is a man of his word.
73、 好的名望胜于好的相貌。A good fame is better than a good face.
74、 金窝银窝,不如自家的草窝。East or west, home is best.
75、 他山之石,可以攻玉。A stone from another mountain may overcome a jade.
76、 嘴巴不紧,生活不宁。A loose tongue makes a rough life.
77、 工作能证明谁人做得好。Work bears witness who does well.
78、 虫蛆在死水中孵化,邪念在懒惰中养成。As worms are bred in still waters, so are evil thoughts in idleness.
79、 使你有益于人。Make yourself useful to others.
80、 (LouisaMay)爱情是一个伟大的美化家。Love isa great landscaper.
81、 手里有钱财,不如胸中有文才。Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.
82、 嘴上真君子,行动烂小人。A man of words is a man of action.
83、 没有什么财富像知识那样保险,因为它偷不去,抢不走。There is no wealth so sure as knowledge, for it cannot be stolen or taken away.
84、 一次为成人,两度当小孩。Once a man and twice a child.
85、 命运对一种人如亲娘,对另一种人却是晚娘。Fortune to one is mother, to another is stepmother.
86、 天赋我们两耳,两眼,一张嘴巴,归根到底该多听,多看,少说话。Nature has given us two ears, two eyes, and one mouth, that we should hear much, see much, and speak little.
87、 夜莺困笼不唱歌。Nightingales cannot sing in a cage.
88、 我不能既是你的朋友,而又对你阿谀奉承。I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too.
89、 精神财富是唯一的真正财富。The wealth of the mind is the only true wealth.
90、 臭名气并不光彩。Fame is not glory.
91、 欢快与好意,劳动不觉累。Cheerfulness and goodwill make Labour light.
92、 愁一愁,白了头。Sorrow makes the head white.
93、 没有一个人因为他自知最糟就是最糟。No man is the worst for knowing the worst of himself.
94、 面包的气味最香,食盐的滋味最鲜,儿童的情爱最纯。The best smell is bread, the best savour salt, the best love of children.
95、 医生往往比疾病更令人生畏。The doctor is often more to be feared than the disease.
96、 好事不做,坏事做绝。Do no good, do no evil.
97、 友谊是爱加上谅解。Friendship is love with understanding.
98、 老犬不空吠。An old dog barks not in vain.
99、 笑里藏刀。A smile hides a sword.
100、 聪明人循理智办事,平常人照经验办事,蠢人按需要办事,畜生凭本能办事。Wise men act by reason; ordinary men by experience; fools by necessity; brutes by instinct.
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