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1、 启迪人性最好的导师是伟大人物的生活。The best teachers of humanity are the lives of great men.

2、 结婚!没有什么比结婚对人要求更多的了。Get married! Nothing demands more from a man than to be married.


3、 与智者行即得其智。A wise man is known by his actions.

4、 说得漂亮固好,做得漂亮更佳。Better said than done.

5、 人到黄泉,贫富同眠。In death rich and poor sleep together.

6、 作最坏的准备,可以得到最好的结果。Best results come from preparing for the worst.

7、 贼了解贼,正如狼了解狼。A thief knows a thief as a Wolf knows a Wolf.

8、 礼貌不须什么代价。Politeness costs nothing.

9、 牛因有脚而被抓,人因有舌而遭殃。An ox is taken by the horns, and the man by the tongue.

10、 有好妻子就有好丈夫。A good wife makes a good husband.

11、 做得越多,则能做的越多;越是忙碌,则空闲越多。The more you do, the more you can do. The busier we are, the more leisure we have.

12、 敬而远之。Keep at a respectful distance.

13、 不知人间有乐趣者最可怜。He is poor that knows not that there is pleasure in the world.

14、 时间一去不再来,我们常说时间充足,实际。总是不够。Lost time is never found again. It's never enough.

15、 爱爱相生。Make love goes with each other.

16、 老当益壮。Grow old and strong.

17、 驴子能负重,但不堪超过力之所及。An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.

18、 人为生而食,非为食而生。Eat to live, not live to eat.

19、 安分守己。Play the game.

20、 死亡到处和我门相遇。Death meets us everywhere.

21、 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。Justice has long arms.

22、 老蜂不酿蜜。Old bees yield no honey.

23、 每一羊群里都会有一只黑羊,丑儿子家家有(意指:每个家里都会有个败家子。)There is a black sheep in every flock, and every family has an ugly son.

24、 若要得经验,必须化代价。Experience must be bought.

25、 万事过分都差误。All is not well that ends well.

26、 仁慈是社会生活中的阳光。Kindness is the sunshine of social life.

27、 照我说的做,不要照我干的做。Do as I say, not as I do.

28、 人生如朝露。Life is like the morning dew.

29、 性急难免出岔子。Haste makes all things easy.


30、 活得长几乎是每个人的愿望,可是生活得好只是少数人的志气。To live long is almost everyone's wish, but to live well is the ambition of only a few.

31、 新爱逐旧欢。One love drives out another.

32、 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.

33、 狐狸可以改变皮毛,但不能改变习性。The fox may alter his coat, but not his habit.

34、 神气的狗也会吃赃布丁的。A proud dog will eat dirty pudding.

35、 欲寻珍珠,须潜水下。He who would search for pearls must dive below.

36、 我们最不喜欢听到的真实,总是我们知道了会大有好处的真实。The truths we least like to hear are always the truths which it is to our advantage to know.

37、 小洞不补,大洞吃苦。A stitch in time saves nine.

38、 人微言轻。Little men say little.

39、 最瞎莫如视而不见。None so blind as those who won't see.

40、 避诱惑,免罪恶。Avoid temptation and sin.

41、 人之大敌,自己而已。Man is his own worst enemy.

42、 钱产生钱。Money begets money.

43、 工作能证明谁人做得好。Work bears witness who does well.

44、 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。As you sow, so shall you reap.

45、 骨肉越亲,恩情越深。The closer the kindred, the deeper the kindness.

46、 时间会揭露一切。Time reveals all things.

47、 治学无坦途。There is no royal road to learning.

48、 疑神疑鬼,绝无收获。Suspicion, no harvest.

49、 草多可缚象。Many straws may bind an elephant.

50、 坚持到底必获胜利。坚持就是胜利。Stick it out and you will win. Persistence is victory.

51、 爱情就是爱的报答。Love is the reward of love.

52、 疾病是不正当娱乐的代价。Illness is the price of ill pleasures.

53、 有利必有弊。Every advantage has its disadvantage.

54、 在家凶如狮,在外却如鼠。A lion at home, a mouse abroad.

55、 轻诺者易忘。A man apt to promise is apt to forget.

56、 危险本身就是对付危险的最好办法。Danger itself is the best remedy for danger.

57、 既要有一般常识,又要有专业知识。Both general knowledge and professional knowledge are required.

58、 百无聊赖。Bored.

59、 没有稻草,制砖难搞。Bricks are hard to make without straw.

60、 事难两全其美。You can't have your cake and eat it.

61、 顺境交朋友,逆境试真情。Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.

62、 骄傲必须收敛。Pride must be tamed.

63、 死亡与生存一样自然。"Death is as natural as life."

64、 跛鳖千里。Slow and steady wins the race.

65、 生活多愁,死亡必速。Sorrow in life hastens death.

66、 青年时代是黄金的,壮年时代是白银的,老年时代是灰铅的。Youth is golden, manhood is silver, old age is leaden.

67、 最初的印象最为持久。First impressions are most lasting.

68、 秋波送盲,白费痴情。Eyes blind, in vain.

69、 情理管万事。Reason governs all things.

70、 即使敌人小如鼠,也要防他如防虎。Though thy enemy seem a mouse, yet watch him like a tiger.

71、 一事成功,事事顺利。Nothing succeeds like success.

72、 欲知马如何,可看套马索。You may know the horse by his harness.

73、 事物都有它的反面。Every coin has its reverse.

74、 需要朋友之前,先要加以考验。Try your friends before you need them.

75、 宁可丢掉,不愿找到。(常针对不喜欢的人或物。)Better lose than find. I don't like people or things.

76、 吸取他人教训,自己才会走运。You are lucky when you learn from others.

77、 真正的朋友好似两个身子长着一颗心。A true friend is one soul in two bodies.

78、 切莫教鱼游泳。Never offer to teach fish to swim.

79、 良马不失蹄。A good horse never stumbles.

80、 入夜方能赞美白昼。The night can praise the day.

81、 英雄识英雄。A hero knows his own.

82、 要成仇敌,多讲;要成朋友,多听。To become an enemy, speak more; To make friends, listen.

83、 臭名气并不光彩。Fame is not glory.

84、 人之所为,总有限度。There is a limit to what a man can do.

85、 怎样对待爱情?要相信。怎样才能相信?要有爱情。How to treat love? To believe in. How do you believe that? Love.

86、 一动不如一静。Silence is better than motion.

87、 得寸进尺。Push one's luck.

88、 问题不是活得长不长而是活得好不好。The question is not how long but how well.

89、 读书养神,锻链健身。Reading nourishes the mind, exercise the body.

90、 巧匠难以劣布制美服。A good workman cannot make a good garment out of bad cloth.

91、 小孩和傻瓜嘴里没谎话。Children and fools cannot lie.

92、 为富不仁。Rich men are mean.

93、 办事不失时机,一天可抵三天用。One day without loss of time is worth three.

94、 靠希望而生,必因饥饿而死。He who lives by hope will die by hunger.

95、 勤奋使身体健康,使心情开朗,使思想专注,使经济充裕。Industry keeps the body healthy, the mind clear, the heart whole, and the purse full.

96、 虚度青春,悔恨无已。He that wastes his youth shall regret it.

97、 虚荣能开花,但从不结果。Vanity blossoms but never bears.

98、 舌头不是钢,伤人似刀剑。The tongue is not steel but it cuts.

99、 孩子和傻子,不会说谎话。Children and fools cannot lie.

100、 消逝的时间和说出的话不能追回。Time and words can never be recalled.






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