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1、 我们为了求知识,付出高价也值得。Knowledge is a good purchase though we pay dear for it.

2、 人人都有得意的日子。Every dog has his day.


3、 所有的人自由后,才能完全自由;所有的人都有道德,才能完全合乎道德;所有的人都幸福了,才能真正幸福。All men are not free until they are all free; All people are moral, can be fully moral; No man is really happy till all are happy.

4、 智者思其所言,愚者言其所思。Wise men think what they say, fools what they think.

5、 聪明人知道自己不懂什么,蠢人则以为自己什么都懂。The wise man knows he knows nothing, the fool thinks he knows it all.

6、 一个好的母亲顶得上一百个教师。One good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters.

7、 讲话不思考犹如射击不对准目标。Speaking without thinking is shooting without aim.

8、 服从是军人的第一职责。Obedience is the first duty of a soldier.

9、 面包的气味最香,食盐的滋味最鲜,儿童的情爱最纯。The best smell is bread, the best savour salt, the best love of children.

10、 老狗难改吠声。An old dog cannot alter its barking.

11、 有用的东西并不都是唾手可得的。All is not at hand that helps.

12、 空言不能成交易。Bare words, no bargain.

13、 播种早的收获早。Early sow, early mow.

14、 莫道身躯小,伟人寓其间。A little body often harbours a great soul.

15、 只工作,不玩耍,聪明小伙也变傻。All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.

16、 心之所见远胜于目。The heart sees more than the head.

17、 孔雀虽有华羽,但有贱足。The peacock has fair feathers, but foul feet.

18、 愚蠢的本质是只看到别人的错处而忘却了自己的过失。It is the nature of folly to see the faults of others and forget your own.

19、 智者当差,不用交代。A wise man on duty needs no explanation.

20、 梦不足信。Dreams are not to be believed.

21、 天下无难事,只怕不努力。Nothing is difficult to the man who will not try.

22、 如果老狗叫,他是给忠告。If the old dog barks, he is giving advice.

23、 聪明人凡事只须听一半,就会明白究竟。Half a tale is enough for a wise man.

24、 人人都有伤心处。Every heart has its own sorrow.

25、 忠言无害。Good counsel never hurt.

26、 大希望造就大人物。Great hopes make great man.

27、 见多识广。Be well informed.

28、 饭后百步走,活到九十九。After dinner walk a mile.

29、 日有眼,夜有耳。The day has eyes, the night has ears.


30、 有爱情必有妒忌。Love is never without jealousy.

31、 公事公办。Business is business.

32、 信任任何人和不信任任何人,同样是缺点。It is an equal failing to trust anybody, and to trust nobody.

33、 从过错和失败中,我们取得了一些有益的教训。过去的错误是未来的智慧和成功。We have learned some useful lessons from our mistakes and failures. The mistakes of the past are the wisdom and success of the future.

34、 懂得多的说得少。He who knows most speaks least.

35、 一滴之毒,毒染整桶之酒。One drop of poison infects the whole cask of wine.

36、 老虎一次尝到血,它的贪心就更大。The tiger that once tasted blood is ever more greedy.

37、 愚者不学无术,智者不耻下问。Fools learn nothing, wise men learn much.

38、 好狗不挡道。A good dog is not in the way.

39、 要爱一切人,相信少数人,不要负于任何人。Love all, trust a few, be false to none.

40、 饶恕坏人便是伤害好人。He that pardons the bad injures the good.

41、 画饼充饥。Draw a cake to satisfy hunger.

42、 身体好就有希望,有希望就有一切。He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.

43、 饥寒起盗心。Hunger and cold make the heart grow fonder.

44、 及早不及晚。Better early than late.

45、 人生皆有不如意处。Every life has its roses.

46、 即刻就给予,等于给两次。He gives twice that gives in a trice.

47、 希望迟迟未实现,使人心烦意撩乱。The delay in realizing a hope is upsetting.

48、 善良为语言,聋子能天见哑巴懂心间。Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the dumb can understand.

49、 弄醒睡狮不是好事。Waking up a sleeping lion is not a good thing.

50、 一个人的家就是他的城堡。A man's house is his castle.

51、 虎落平阳被犬欺。The tiger falls and the sun is bullied by the dog.

52、 没有朋友者,等于是死人。He who has no friend is dead.

53、 以其人之道还治其人之身。Deal with a man as he deals with you.

54、 智者皆能视苦为乐。Pain is pleasure to all the wise.

55、 工作后消遣更愉快,劳动后休息更舒畅。Business sweetens pleasure, and Labour sweetens rest.

56、 手头有黄金,惶恐很担心;两手都空空,处在危急中。When we have gold we are in fear; Empty hands are in danger.

57、 我们应在人降生时流泪,而不该在人死亡时哭泣。We should weep at man's birth, not at his death.

58、 蚀了本也输了利。You lose money when you lose money.

59、 仅有机智而无真才实学,犹如一棵大树不结果。Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit.

60、 锻链、节制、新鲜空气和必要的休息是最好的医生。Exercise, temperance, fresh air, and needful rest are the best of all physicians.

61、 是就是,非就非。Yes or no.

62、 有情人终成眷属。All shall be well, jack shall have Jill.

63、 老狐狸不需要教师。Old foxes want no teachers.

64、 听宜敏捷,言宜缓行。Be swift to hear, slow to speak.

65、 势均力敌。It's a tie.

66、 不屈不挠是成功之本。Perseverance is the parent of success.

67、 饮水思源。Think while you drink.

68、 猫都爱吃鱼,却怕爪弄湿。All cats love fish but fear to wet their PAWS.

69、 没有实践,希望会化为乌有。Without practice, hope will come to naught.

70、 说干就干,机不可失。No time like the present.

71、 咒骂无益,于事无济。It is no use swearing.

72、 实事求是。Seek truth from facts.

73、 蠢人易于智穷力竭。A fool is apt to be at the end of his rope.

74、 白天当白天,夜晚当夜晚,生活过得好,愉快而多欢。Make the night night, and the day day, and you will have a pleasant time of it.

75、 有决心,就有办法。Where there is a will, there is a way.

76、 ThelovethatmakesallthingsbeautifulThelovethatmakesallthingsbeautiful

77、 失之东隅,收之桑榆。What goes around comes around.

78、 生而学之,学而生之。Born to learn, learn to live.

79、 相聚爱益切,离别情更深。Absence sharpens love, presence sharpens it.

80、 保持一件坏事的代价超过十件好事。Maintaining one vice costs more than ten virtues.

81、 希望才有人生,人生要有希望。Hope is life and life is hope.

82、 玩火者必自焚。He that plays with fire gets burnt.

83、 要快乐,最可靠的办法是忙碌。The surest way to be happy is to be busy.

84、 想得好,聪明;筹画得好,更聪明;做得好,最聪明最好。Well thought, clever; Better counsel, more wit; Well done, wisest and best.

85、 战争是死亡的筵席。War is death's feast.

86、 徒劳无益。It's no use crying over spilt milk.

87、 天不会因瞎子看不见而减其蓝色。The sky is not less blue because the blind man cannot see it.

88、 来道是非者,便是是非人。Who chatters to others will chatter of others.

89、 择书如择友。Choose a book as your friend.

90、 闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人。A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.

91、 小巫见大巫。Nothing is more important than a drop in the bucket.

92、 希望会产生,永远无穷尽。Hope springs eternal.

93、 远离久别爱情淡。久别情淡?Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

94、 反覆学习是知识之源。Repetition is the mother of knowledge.

95、 妇女在受危害时比男子机智。Women in mischief are wiser than men.

96、 水滴石穿。Constant dropping wears away a stone.

97、 如果我们决定宽恕一个敌人,但决不能相信他。If we decide to forgive an enemy, we can never trust him.

98、 高位遭人妒,高峰招风吹。Envy is at the top.

99、 不要有求必应。Don't give everything to everything.

100、 能节俭时就节俭,朝阳难照一整天。Save while you may, no morning sun lasts a whole day.






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