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1、 粗瓷碗雕不出细花来。Fine flowers cannot be carved from rough China bowls.

2、 夺我名声,我命即亡。Take my name and my life is done.


3、 切莫自视过高。Never think too highly of yourself.

4、 再好的朋友也有分手的时候。"Even the best friends break up."

5、 自己最了解自己。Every man is best know to himself.

6、 兽医、庸医。A veterinarian or quack.

7、 博览群书使人完美无瑕,冥思苦想让人深刻精邃,论证阐述让人头脑清晰。Reading makes a full man, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man.

8、 深谋远虑。Forethought.

9、 宁可没有金钱,不可没有朋友。Better without money than without friends.

10、 学到老,学不了。It is never too late to learn.

11、 宁可(经常运动)穿破鞋子,也不(因病长卧)磨破床单。Better wear out shoes than sheets.

12、 诚实的人马上结婚,聪明的人就不这样。Honest men marry soon, wise men not at all.

13、 口头方便不费力。Verbal convenience is effortless.

14、 奉承惹人喜,直言招人仇。Flattery begets joy, but truth begets enmity.

15、 学而不思,犹如食而不化。To learn without reflecting is like eating without digesting.

16、 一天一个苹果,医生不来找我。An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

17、 有爱情就有忠诚。Where there is love, there is loyalty.

18、 文如其人。The style is the man.

19、 收获与风险并存。He who risks nothing gains nothing.

20、 爱情入,友谊出。Love in, friendship out.

21、 爱情作酬报,劳苦必轻松。Labour is light where love doth reward.

22、 勤奋是最伟大的导师。Diligence is the greatest teacher.

23、 不可能人人都得第一名。All men cannot be first.

24、 怕死者活不了。He that fears the dead cannot live.

25、 知识令人谦虚;无知使人骄傲。Knowledge makes humble; Ignorance makes proud.

26、 堕入陷阱易,脱离陷阱难。It is easier to fall into a trap than to get out of it.

27、 与其抱怨,不如积善。Better to do good than to complain.

28、 不论做什么事要尽力去搞;事情做得不彻底,就不能算好。Whatever you do, do with your might; Things done by halves are never done right.

29、 切莫自寻麻烦。Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.


30、 熟知其事,了如指掌。Know something like the palm of one's hand.

31、 友谊是爱加上谅解。Friendship is love with understanding.

32、 权衡两害,取其轻者。Weigh the two evils and choose the lesser.

33、 无人总是当傻瓜,人人有时当傻瓜。No man is a fool all the time.

34、 婚姻能成全人也能损害人。Marriage makes or Mars a man.

35、 宏伟的计划须要慎重考虑。Great plans require great consideration.

36、 懒惰是行乞的敲门砖,是万恶的根源。Idleness is the key of beggary and the root of all evil.

37、 一木不能成林。One tree does not make a forest.

38、 心病还需心药医。Medicine is the best remedy for a broken heart.

39、 智者之言,是保卫而非攻击。The word of the wise is defence, not attack.

40、 没有肮脏的爱情,也没有美丽的监狱。No love is foul, nor prison fair.

41、 世界上只有两种力量∶刀和笔;而其结果,后者总是战胜前者。There are only two powers in the world: the knife and the pen; As a result, the latter always beats the former.

42、 大人物的美味是穷人的眼泪。The dainties of great men are the tears of poor men.

43、 眼睛能看见一切的东西,但看不见自己。The eye that sees all things else sees not itself.

44、 人无理智就象是一头发情的野兽。A man without reason is a beast in season.

45、 情生情,爱生爱。Love begets love, love begets love.

46、 口若悬河不能作为才智的证明。A flow of words is no proof of wisdom.

47、 粗暴毁爱情。Rudeness destroys love.

48、 聪明的人话不多。A wise man never says much.

49、 要做事,但不要做事务的奴隶。Do business, but be not a slave to it.

50、 你可以迫人闭眼,但不能使他睡觉。You may force a man to close his eyes, but you cannot make him sleep.

51、 事既值得做,就把事做好。What is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

52、 别国的钻石是最美丽的。Diamonds from other countries are the most beautiful.

53、 事业是人生的第一需要。Business is the salt of life.

54、 自立更生,自食其力。Stand on your own two feet.

55、 时机失了无法挽回。Time lost cannot be redeemed.

56、 出色的外科医生必须心明眼亮和有一双灵巧的手。A good surgeon must have an eagle's eye, a lion's heart, and a lady's hand.

57、 小时学会的事情到老不会忘记。What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave.

58、 信誉像镜子,破碎无法补。Credit like a mirror, broken can not be repaired.

59、 孩子和傻子,说的是真话。Children and fools speak the truth.

60、 尽力而为。Do your best.

61、 爱钱如命的父亲生个儿子挥金如土。A miserly father makes a prodigal son.

62、 维持爱情,不用强力。Love lives not by strengh.

63、 万事开头小。All things begin small.

64、 一视同仁。No discrimination.

65、 没有一个人因为他自知最糟就是最糟。No man is the worst for knowing the worst of himself.

66、 人靠衣装。Clothes make the man.

67、 想想别人的不幸,你可以对自己的命运感到满足。Think of the misfortunes of others, and you may be content with your own lot.

68、 没有廉耻的人,没有良心。He who has no shame has no conscience.

69、 我们希望长大,但怕年老;就是,愿意生,而害怕死。We want to grow old, but we fear old age; To be willing to live and afraid to die.

70、 真正的财富不是占有,而是使用。The true wealth is not in the possession but in the use.

71、 生于骨中者不会出肉外。He that is born in the bone will not grow out of the flesh.

72、 毅然处理困难局面。Resolve to deal with difficult situations.

73、 搬事弄非者,必是撒谎人。He that will stir up mischief must be a liar.

74、 良药苦口,忠言逆耳。A good medicine tastes bitter.

75、 好酒无需叫卖。Good wine needs no cry.

76、 良马的毛色不会差。A good horse cannot be of a bad colour.

77、 不劳动者不得食。He that will not work shall not eat.

78、 人难免错误,宽恕别人是神圣的。To err is human, to forgive is divine.

79、 无所求,则无所获。Nothing seek, nothing find.

80、 一粒一粒啄米,母鸡填饱肚皮。Grain by grain and hen fills her belly.

81、 事事倘能做两次,人人都可称明智。Every man is wise if he does everything twice.

82、 结婚是人生的幸福花朵开放的时候,也可能是凋谢的时候。Marriage is the bloom or blight of life's happiness.

83、 要说就索性说得一清二楚,说出前每句话要字斟句酌。Speak clearly if you speak at all, carve every word before you say it.

84、 男子早婚,种下祸根。Men marry young, that sow the seeds of misfortune.

85、 坏人服从出于怕,好人服从出于爱。Bad men obey from fear, good men from love.

86、 见得少,忘得快。Seldom seen, soon forgotten.

87、 知识多,老得快。Much knowledge, much age.

88、 人无知犹如房屋无基。A man without knowledge is like a house without foundation.

89、 医疗不得法,使病更糟糕。The remedy is worse than the disease.

90、 一样有用的手艺是取之不尽的财富。A useful trade is a mine of gold.

91、 人类的伟大,首要的是要有自信。Confidence is the first requisite to human greatness.

92、 谋士多,保安全。Many hands make light work.

93、 爱情可以意会,无需言传。Love understands love; it needs no words.

94、 绝处能逢生。Every cloud has a silver lining.

95、 以德报德是常理,以德报怨大丈夫。Good for good is natural, good for evil is manly.

96、 不怕死,然后才能生。Fear not death, then life.

97、 患难使人聪明,但不能致富。Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.

98、 相信谎话的人必将在真理前灭亡。He who believes a lie will perish before the truth.

99、 生活好者,博学多才。He that lives well is learned.

100、 吃饭是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭。Eat to live, but not live to eat.

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