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火上加油 - Add fuel to the fire.

火烧眉毛 - Eyebrows burning



火冒三丈 - Furious (literally, fire shoots three feet high).

火烧屁股 - Fire burning your butt


火中取栗 - Fetch chestnuts from the fire (to take risks for others).

火眼金睛 - Eagle eyes (sharp and discerning eyes).

火烧火燎 - Flames burning and blazing.

火海 - Sea of fire.

火烧火燎 - In a great hurry


火上浇油 - Pour oil on the fire (to make matters worse).

火烧眉毛 - Burning eyebrows


火热 - Fiery hot.

火暴 - Fiery and violent.

春风化雨,细细火儿 - Gentle as a spring breeze, soft as drizzling rain.

火力全开 - Full firepower.

火热的心情 - Burning passion.

火冒三丈 - Furious (literally, fire shoots three feet high).

火烧火燎 - In a great hurry


火急 - Extremely urgent.

火上浇油 - Pour oil on the fire (to make matters worse).

火热的气氛 - A heated atmosphere.

火冒三丈 - Furious (literally, fire shoots three feet high).

火力全开 - Full firepower.

火热的心情 - Burning passion.

火上浇油 - Pour oil on the fire (to make matters worse).

火烧火燎 - In a great hurry


火急 - Extremely urgent.

火上浇油 - Pour oil on the fire (to make matters worse).

火热的气氛 - A heated atmosphere.

火冒三丈 - Furious (literally, fire shoots three feet high).

火力全开 - Full firepower.

火热的心情 - Burning passion.

火上浇油 - Pour oil on the fire (to make matters worse).

火烧火燎 - In a great hurry


火急 - Extremely urgent.

火上浇油 - Pour oil on the fire (to make matters worse).

火热的气氛 - A heated atmosphere.

火冒三丈 - Furious (literally, fire shoots three feet high).

火力全开 - Full firepower.

火热的心情 - Burning passion.

火上浇油 - Pour oil on the fire (to make matters worse).

火烧火燎 - In a great hurry


火急 - Extremely urgent.

火上浇油 - Pour oil on the fire (to make matters worse).

火热的气氛 - A heated atmosphere.

火冒三丈 - Furious (literally, fire shoots three feet high).

火力全开 - Full firepower.

火热的心情 - Burning passion.

火上浇油 - Pour oil on the fire (to make matters worse).

火烧火燎 - In a great hurry


火急 - Extremely urgent.

火上浇油 - Pour oil on the fire (to make matters worse).

火热的气氛 - A heated atmosphere.

火冒三丈 - Furious (literally, fire shoots three feet high).

火力全开 - Full firepower.

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