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有钱难买老来瘦 (jau4 cin2 naan4 maai5 lou5 loi4 sau3) - Money can’t buy back youth.
人心隔肚皮 (jan4 sam1 gaak3 dou1 pei4) - The heart of a person is hidden beneath the belly. 饭后百步走,活到九十九 (faan6 hau6 baak3 bou6 zou2, woot6 dou3 gau2 sap6 gau2) - Take a hundred steps after meals, live until ninety−nine. 无米之炊 (mou4 mai5 zi1 ceoi1) - Cooking without rice (meaning having nothing to work with). 水滴石穿 (seoi2 dik1 sek6 cyun1) - Water droplets can wear through stone (meaning persistence pays off). 青出于蓝而胜于蓝 (cing1 ceot1 jyu1 laam4 ji4 sing3 jyu1 laam4) - Green comes from blue and surpasses blue (meaning the student surpasses the teacher). 老马识途 (lou5 maa5 sik1 tou4) - An old horse knows the way (meaning experience counts). 一毛不拔 (jat1 mou4 bat1 bat3) - Not even pulling out a single hair (meaning stingy). 多多益善 (do1 do1 jik6 sin6) - The more, the better. 一日三秋 (jat1 jat6 saam1 cau1) - One day feels like three autumns (meaning longing for someone or something). 忍耐是一把利剑 (jam2 noi6 si6 jat1 baa2 lei6 gim1) - Patience is a sharp weapon. 食得嚟,食得返 (sik6 dak1 lei4, sik6 dak1 faan1) - What goes around comes around (meaning karma). 一屎唔准 (jat1 si2 m4 zeon2) - Not even allowing one’s bowel movements (meaning being strict or bossy). 唔识走路齐搵食 (m4 sik1 zau2 lou6 cai4 wan2 sik6) - If you don’t know how to walk, you won’t find food (meaning self-reliance is important). 有眼无珠 (jau5 ngaan5 mou4 zyu1) - Having eyes but no pearls (meaning being ignorant or lacking common sense). 眼冇珠 (ngaam5 mou5 zyu1) - Eyes without pearls (meaning being foolish or gullible). 门可罗雀 (mun4 ho2 lo4 zoek3) - Can catch sparrows at the door (meaning deserted or empty place). 知足常乐 (zi1 zuk1 soeng4 lok6) - Contentment brings happiness. 爱之深,责之切 (oi3zi1sam1,ze3zi1cit3)−Thedeeper the love, the stronger the criticism. 有福同享,有难同当 (jau5 fuk1 tung4 hoeng2, jau5 naan6 tung4 dong1) - Share blessings and bear hardships together. 这些是一些广东粤语的常用俗语,希望对你有帮助!
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